Tibial Plateau Fracture Recovery

The pain is real!


After an unexpected injury 2.5 days into our summer family vacation, I have since had surgery and preparing to leave Tampa, sooner than later, most likely tomorrow morning.

Original blog here: https://rubyrochelle.wordpress.com/2019/08/03/cruise-medical-emergenciescruise-travel-emergency/


The 3rd morning after the 4 rods and stabilizer were removed and 2 incisions with 18 staples each, I was finally discharged from St. Joseph’s Tampa Bay Hospital.

My cousin came to help get me loaded into car and have lunch before we got on the road back to Texas.

PT throughout this painful process has helped me to navigate a walker and wheelchair. Still need a lot of practice. Maneuvering restrooms are exhausting.


Had my first appointment with the Houston orthopedic who just happened to be the chief of surgery – Orthopedics for Kelsey (I am in good hands). He was impressed with the work done by the Tampa team and confirmed I had a significant break reiterating no weight bearing for 3 months 😳. I start range of motion PT next week.

Went to office today to complete leave of absence paperwork. Since I haven’t been at my new company more than 180 days, I am not eligible for paid short term disability or FMLA.


Staples came out last week. Whew, that was painful.

1st physical therapy (PT) yesterday went well but the pain following has been brutal. Ibuprofen regimen can only do so much. The nerve pain is surreal. Even broke out the essential oils to help since nothing else has worked and the ortho office has yet to respond to my inquiry about something for nerve pain. 😳

09/24/2019 update:

PT goal in straightening my leg is less than 5 degrees to zero. First PT I was at 30 degrees. Yesterday I was at 12 degrees at the beginning of PT and 10 by the end. Great progress

Scars are healing nicely.

Next doctor appointment is tomorrow. I am still not allowed to bear weight but been practicing getting in and out of vehicle with walker and getting wheelchair out with success but getting it back into the car has been a bit more challenging.

09/25/2019 Update:

So excited! Doctor was very happy with the progress I have made with range of motion. He wants me to use my walker more to put some pressure on foot to stimulate healing and to prepare for full weight bearing in another month or so.

X-rays from today from the front and inside view of knee. #titanium

10/10/2019 Update:

After several weeks of PT I am not quite where I should be but I am okay with that. I am getting stronger each day. This is a straightening exercise that is hardest thing so far. Range of motion and bending hurts but I can do it. Straightening my leg is not as easy. If I can’t get this, I’ll end up with a permanent limp.


Please help if you can: gf.me/u/ui73fj

Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated.

For those who prefer not to use gofundme, you can PayPal friends and family or Venmo at:

PayPal: angiechappell@sbcglobal.net

Venmo: @Angelique-Chappell

#Carnival #CarnivalHorizon #Cruises #JohnHeald @JohnHeald #MiamiCruise #Dominican #Accident #fracture #jointfracture #TibialPlateau #orthopedic #stuckintampa #houston #kprc #ktrk #khou @khou @ktrk @kprc #fambam #travelfail #cruisefail #extendedhospitalstay #brokeandbroken #CeeJayJones

@JjWatt #JJWATT – what day you? #VTibialPlateauFracture


#Tampa #StJosephs #Baycare #JetICU

#emergency #orthopedictrauma

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